项目概况 Project Overview





Taizhou, located in the central golden coast of China and the middle coastal area of Zhejiang Province, is a modern city seated against the mountains and facing the sea.

Jiaojiang River South Bank, located in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, at the inlet of Jiaojiang River, the mother river of Taizhou, to the sea, is The No.1 Project of "One River, Two Banks" in Taizhou and an area where the ocean, Jiaojiang River, mountains and city culture shine together. This piece of land is the area with the most complete elements and the most concentrated historical and cultural resources of Taizhou's "Mountain and Sea City", and has the unique advantages and resource endowment of Taizhou city.

With the development of the times, Jiaojiang River South Bank will shift from outward expansion to high-quality development, promoting the "second urbanization" of Taizhou, linking the mountains, the sea, the water, and the city! To improve the quality of Taizhou city and create a modern riverfront city is a project that the public expects and the people want!

How to create a new future-oriented urban center based on Taizhou culture at Jiaojiang River South Bank? We invite designers with global vision and rich experience in regeneration to come up with creative and practical planning proposals!

竞赛名称 Competition Name


Taizhou Jiaojiang River South Bank Regional Planning and Core Area Detailed Urban Design International Competition

■ 项目地点 Project Location


Jiaojiang River South Bank, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China



Project Location

■ 项目背景 Project Background




Opposite to the North Bank, the South Bank of Taizhou City’s mother river Jiaojiang is the key development area and the gateway to the East China Sea.

The site is located in the area where Fenghuang Mountain, Feng Mountain, Taihe Mountain, and other natural resources; Jiazhi Street, Haimen fortress, Liberation of Yi Jiang shan Island Martyrs Cemetery, Qi Jiguang Ancestral Hall and other human resources are gathered. It is a valuable inventory of urban space in Jiaojiang District.

The goal of internal growth is needed during the process of Taizhou’s “Secondary Urbanization”, with “sceneries” and “contents”, “memories” and “vitalities”. To create a new harmonious coexistence in South Bank, from the “rust” belt to the “show” belt, and increase the entire city's quality.

■ 设计理念 Design Concept

# 竞赛目的




# Competition Objectives

Create a new urban reconfiguration model of 

industrial-spatial coupling with a public open city 

waterfront image that is only for the city of Taizhou.

# 营造理念:焕新南岸

• 要“形象”,也要有“内容”


• 有“原始记忆”也有“时代活力”


• 是“原住民”“新市民”共享的南岸


• 从“锈带”变“秀带”


# Principles: The new look of South Bank

• With “sceneries” and “contents”

Introduce high-value-added industries, enrich business in the old city, and reactivate spaces through industrial introduction.

• “Memories” and “Vitalities”

It is necessary to focus on the redevelopment of the humanistic, historical, and social values of the inventory of buildings to create the vitality of the time belonging to the Jiaojiang River South Bank.

• Harmonious Coexistence

Meet the public’s appeal for a better life, grasp modern lifestyles, and create a destination that meets Taizhou people’s demand.

• From the “rust” belt to the “show” belt

Transform from a productive area to a livable, commercial, and culturally new city waterfront image.

# 竞赛重点

• 作为台州一江两岸的重要组成部分,需要与周边地块协调发展的同时,找准自身定位,错位发展。

• 作为椒江区最具人文积淀、最具历史传承的区域,需要引入适宜产业、激发区域活动。

• 作为更新地块,需要合理规划“留改拆”比例,实现产业业态与空间形态的耦合,形成系统性的实施计划。

# Key Point

• As an important part of "One River, Two Banks", it needs to find its own positioning and staggered development while developing in a coordinated manner with the surrounding areas.

• As the most cultural deposits and historical area in Jiaojiang District, it is necessary to introduce suitable industries and stimulate regional activities.

• As a renewal area, it is necessary to reasonably plan the ratio of " removal, renovation, and reserved", realize the coupling of industry and spatial forms, and form a systematic implementation plan.

■ 设计内容 Design Contents

# 椒江南岸区域概念规划



# Jiaojiang River South Bank Regional Conceptual Planning

Scope: West to Taizhou Avenue and Central Avenue, east to Shugang Avenue, south to West Gongren Road, Yunxi Road, and Fengnan Road, and north to Jiaojiang River, with a total area of about 12.28 square kilometers.

Requirements: Carry out systematic research based on the urban pattern of Taizhou, learn from the concept of international advanced cities, undertake the memory of the old city, and put forward a planning scheme covering objective positioning, development concept, and strategy, functional layout, industrial organization, spatial form, public space, transportation system, implementation plan.

# 核心区详细城市设计



# Detailed Urban Design of The Core Area

Scope:  West to Taizhou Avenue and Central Avenue, east to Shugang Avenue, North Jiefang Road, South Jiefang Road, south to West Gongren Road, Yunxi Road, Jiangbin Road, and Waisha Road, and north to Jiaojiang River, with a total area of about 5.74 square kilometers.

Requirements: Following the concept of conceptual planning, a detailed urban design is carried out for the core area, which includes functional business planning, spatial scheme design, create characteristic nodes and scenes, overall urban landscape, architectural group guidance, open space design, environmental and landscape facilities design, water and green space system, traffic organization, overground and underground synergy planning and implementation guidelines, etc., to clarify the renewal development mode and implement renewal actions and key projects.



Competition Scope

日程安排 Schedule



Notice:The above time is subject to Beijing time. In view of uncontrollable factors such as the epidemic, the organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule.

竞赛评委 Jury Panel

章明 Zhang Ming




Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Vice Director of the Department of Architecture, CAUP, Tongji University.

Design Principal of the Original Design Studio

Expert of Urban Space and Feature Preservation Specialized Committee, Shanghai Planning Commission

童明 Tong Ming






Distinguished Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of SEU ARCH

RIBA Chartered Architect

Design Principal of TM Studio

Expert of the Specialized Committee of Shanghai Planning Commission Committee member of the Urban Renewal Branch, UPSC

曹嘉明 Cao Jiaming




Vice President of the Architectural Society of China

Honorary President of the Architectural Society of Shanghai China

Editor-in-Chief of Architectural Practice, journal of ASC

赵元超 Zhao Yuanchao






National Engineering Survey and Design Master

Doctoral Supervisor of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology.

Committee Member of the National Registered Architects Management Committee

Executive Director of the Architectural Society of China

Chief Architect of China Northwest Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd

沈迪 Shen Di






National Engineering Survey and Design Master

Professor-level Senior Engineer

Doctoral Supervisor

Veteran Seasoned Chief Architect of Arcplus Group PLC

Formal Vice General Manager, Chief Architect of Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design (Group)Co., Ltd.

沈国强 Shen Guoqiang



Doctoral Supervisor, Chair Professor, Dean of the Institute of Urban and Rural Planning of Zhejiang University

National Distinguished Expert

杨贵庆 Yang Guiqing



Former Dean of the Department of Urban Planning, CAUP, Tongji University

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor of CAUP, Tongji University

李晓江 Li Xiaojiang





National Engineering Survey and Design Master

Expert Enjoying Special Allowances from the State Council

Former President of China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

Professor-level Senior Urban Planner

孙一民 Sun Yimin






National Engineering Survey and Design Master

Distinguished Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program

Prominent Educator of the National Special Support Program for High-level Talents

Vice President of the Urban Planning Society of China

Former Dean of the School of Architecture, SCUT

吉国华 Ji Guohua



Dean of the School of Architectural and Urban Planning of Nanjing University

Excellent Engineering Survey Designer of Jiangsu Province

竞赛奖金 Prizes


总奖金池达 9,300,000元(税前),共入围5组:






各 1,200,000元(税前)

Formal scheme proposal and competition review phase

The total award amount is 9.3 million RMB (incl.GST) for 5 shortlisted candidates:

Winners (3) : 

First place 3,000,000 RMB (incl. GST)

Second place 2,400,000 RMB (incl. GST)

Third place 1,500,000 RMB (incl. GST)

Finalists (2) : 

1,200,000 RMB each (incl. GST)




Scheme deepening phase

In principle, candidates that won the first prize will be responsible for the scheme deepening stage. Shall optimize and develop the scheme according to the opinions of the jury committee and the organizer, absorb the advantages of other schemes, to form an integrated and original design scheme.

The design fee for the scheme deepening stage:6,000,000 RMB (incl.GST)

参赛资格 Qualification

1. 参赛单位须是国内外注册的独立法人企业或机构。

2. 接受联合体参赛,联合体成员数量不超过3家,联合体成员不得再单独或以其他名义与其他参赛单位组成其他联合体参与报名,联合体合作方须签署具有法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确牵头单位、各方工作分工等。

3. 参赛单位(独立法人或联合体)为境外机构的,须在其所在国家或地区应具有合法相关营业范围(规划建筑类);为了保证项目设计人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,项目规划设计人员中应至少有一名通晓汉语的人士。

4. 不接受个人或个人组合的报名。

5. 本次竞赛活动所有提交设计成果文件须为参赛单位(独立法人或联合体)原创作品。

1. Participating units shall be either enterprises or institutions with independent legal entities registered in China or abroad.

2. Consortium shall be accepted for participation with member numbers do not exceed three. No consortium members shall have the right to participate in the competition again alone or with another consortium by another name. The consortium members shall be requested to sign a Consortium Agreement with the force of law whilst specifying the leading entity and individual labor division.

3. If the participating units (Independent Legal Entity and Consortium) are foreign organizations, they shall have a legally relevant business scope (Urban Design or Architecture) in their country or region. It is required that at least one of the participating designers shall have knowledge of the Chinese language, so the designers shall be ensured to have an accurate understanding of the regional background of China and relevant requirements.

4. No individual or individually combined group will be accepted for the sign-up.

5. All submissions for this competition must be the original works of the participating units (Independent Legal Entity and Consortium).

■ 提交内容及方式 Submission



Phase I: Open registration and proposal shortlisting phase

The conceptual design proposal shall present creative thinking based on the understanding of Taizhou City’s development and the competition area of Jiaojiang River South Bank. It should include at least objective positioning, development concept, industrial organization, functional business, spatial planning, public space, etc. The proposal should include 3 panels in A0 (only 3 panels will be accepted). The boards should be vertical typesetting, with graphics and text, in Chinese and English, with serial number of the order of arrangement. (Please refer to the Rules and Regulations for details and requirements)



Phase II: Formal scheme proposal and competition review phase

Please refer to the Rules and Regulations & Brief for details and requirements.


1. 本次公告内容中英文信息如有争议或不一致,以中文为准。

2. 最终解释权归主办方所有。


1. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

2. The final right of interpretation rests with the organizer.

组织机构 Organization




HOST|Taizhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau; Jiaojiang District People’s Government

ORGANIZER|Taizhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, Jiaojiang Branch; Taizhou Jiaojiang Urban Development Investment Group Co., Ltd.

CO-ORGANIZER|One-tenth Art Company

下载资料 Download


Click to fill in the information, once register successfully, download the complete information package of the competition.

0. 台州椒江南岸区域规划及核心区详细城市设计国际竞赛规则文件

1. 台州椒江南岸区域规划及核心区详细城市设计国际竞赛技术任务书

2. 独立法人及联合体报名文件

3. 附件资料

0. Rules and Regulations

1. Design Brief

2. Format of Application Document

3. Attachments

预审结果 Pre-qualification Results


终审结果 Final Results


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